A Ranking of Traded Commodities by Liquidity

Natural gas, a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels, has experienced substantial growth in trading volume amidst increasing global demand. As one of the top traded commodities, its role in electricity generation, heating, and industrial processes underscores its importance. Notable participants in natural gas trading include energy companies like Gazprom and ExxonMobil, which navigate the […]

What is Splunk? Key Benefits and Features of Splunk

Splunk is growing in many domains of technology and other industries such as Finance and Insurance, Information Technology, Retail, Trade, and many more. Many organizations worldwide use Splunk for their business needs in cybersecurity, customer understanding, fraud prevention, service performance improvement, and overall cost reduction. Splunk is getting used worldwide in organizations like IBM, Salesforce, […]

Foreign exchange market Wikipedia

In the past, forex trading was largely limited to governments, large companies, and hedge funds. Many investment firms, banks, and retail brokers allow individuals to open accounts and trade currencies. Over the years, common scams have included Ponzi schemes that misused investor funds and scams peddling worthless trading advice. The forex scandal of 2013, in […]

Mr Prepper recenzja. Czy to najlepsza gra od PlayWay?

Żeby była jasność, to ani Rejected Games, ani tym bardziej PlayWay, nie wymyślili „prepperów”, a więc osób, które przygotowują się na sytuacje kryzysowe (w przypadku gry Rząd Zjednoczonego Królestwa może poprosić Carney na zbliżającą się katastrofę nuklearną). Podjęli za to ciekawy, chyba nieporuszany dotąd w świecie elektronicznej rozrywki temat, oferując graczom wiele unikatowych rozwiązań oraz […]